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About us...




Man can appreciate the value of yoga
not explain,
one has to experience it.

BKS Iyengar


Über uns: Über uns

Our  philosophy

The inner and outer transformation begins with our mindfulness and willingness to open up to the unknown. Yoga practice offers us that  Opportunity to visibly strengthen our body and mind posture and to rediscover it again and again. Whether through breathing, body or meditation exercises, we always find “the way home” - to our true essence.


Yoga practice is a good companion, especially at a time when performance is primarily in the foreground and people with their individual potentials and needs are drowning.

I am happy to invite you to accompany me on this path of self-knowledge, finding peace and self-development. If you have any questions about my offer, we will be happy to assist you. Get in touch!

Your Open Yoga Space Team

Thank you!
We look forward to accompanying you on this path.

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