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About Moisés



My yoga practice

I see my yoga style as calm, mindful and meditative and can be described as classic hatha yoga. For me yoga enables the union or return to our true and essence of being. One of these ways is asana yoga practice. The mindfulness that we achieve through yoga practice enables this in a beneficial and healing way.

My personal practice as well as various further training courses and meditation retreats have brought me more and more into contact with my own essence and truth. For this I am infinitely grateful to all of my teachers and companions on this path of self-knowledge.


Man can appreciate the value of yoga
not explain,
one has to experience it.

BKS Iyengar


Über uns: Über uns

My passion for yoga

I started doing yoga in 2007 with Edeltraut Burgunder at the Yogaschule Winterthur. For me it was actually a feeling of coming home from the beginning. The valuable, invigorating and healing yoga classes from Edeltraut accompanied me for a good seven years. It was actually one of my most valuable and formative life experiences so far.  


When I moved away from Winterthur, my yoga path led me to various yoga teachers and schools, both in Switzerland and abroad. Soon there was an inner impulse to deepen my knowledge of yoga practice and philosophy. In 2015 I went to Bali to do my first yoga teacher training with Burkhard, Kirsten and Devdas at the Akasha Yoga Academy. The second teacher training followed in 2018, this time in Thailand. It was a really great, unique gift to be able to do this intensive training with these great souls. There were also various meditation retreats in Buddhist monasteries (Thailand) and a further period of growth in an international community as a volunteer.  

I would be very happy if I could accompany you on this path.

Your Moisés

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