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Terms of Service

Häufig gestellte Fragen: Häufig gestellte Fragen


These include all activities of Open Yoga Space (hereinafter referred to as the service provider / organizer), such as workshops, yoga classes, events, etc. and / or contracts that are not mentioned and that are related to the business activities mentioned.

The service provider primarily provides fee-based services in the field of yoga. These general terms and conditions (GTC) are applicable to the purchase of any services of the participants that are obtained in any way (by phone, email, online, mobile, etc.) from the service provider. A participant is any natural or legal person who uses services that are provided by the service provider or who has registered with the service provider to receive such services. By using one or more services, the participant irrevocably declares his / her consent to the application of these terms and conditions. Our general terms and conditions also apply in full and in addition / deviatingly for courses abroad or yoga holidays / retreats.


Moisés González Sánchez
Lindenbergstrasse 1
5630 Muri AG



For the implementation of all yoga courses, workshops, individual lessons, yoga private and / or business yoga lessons, as well as other events, namely yoga holidays / retreats (online as well as in person), the following general terms and conditions apply as agreed. At the latest with the binding registration, these terms and conditions are legally binding and accepted and accepted by the course participant.


Changes to these general terms and conditions are fundamentally excluded and in the case of deviating special agreements are only effective if these have been agreed in writing.

Any changes to the terms and conditions agreed in this way are only valid for the respective legal transaction, expressly not for follow-up business or new registrations after the end of a yoga course, workshop, individual lesson or the respective event. (Comprehensively referred to in Pt. 2.1, General)



The services include the implementation and organization of yoga and yoga lessons, individual lessons, business yoga and workshops at home and abroad (online and in person).




The current costs for yoga lessons, individual lessons, business yoga, as well as workshops and training can be found at  on brochures and flyers or these will be sent in writing on request. All prices are final prices in Swiss francs. Price changes and errors are reserved. The prices at the time of the order apply.


Registrations for all offers (with the exception of subscription, see point 4.3) are legally binding when they are submitted by e-mail, SMS, post or reservation payment. In the case of registrations by telephone, they will be confirmed by email; once the participant receives the confirmation email, these registrations are also legally binding and can be invoiced. After we have received the registration, we will send the participant a reservation confirmation email and, in the following days, an invoice for the payment of the course. The payment date listed there is binding. Failure to pay the course fee does not count as cancellation.

  1. Entry is possible at any time.

  2. We reserve the right to make changes to the timetable. The same applies to a change of teacher.

  3. It is the responsibility of the participants to consult their doctor before starting the first yoga lesson to determine whether yoga is allowed to be practiced. In the event of changes in the state of health, a possible pregnancy or imminent operations, as well as mental difficulties, the participant informs the yoga teacher before the yoga lesson begins.

  4. You are aware that yoga can lead to physical injuries if the exercises are not performed according to the instructions of the teacher or if your own resilience and limits are not respected. You accept that the teacher therefore declines all responsibility and liability for complaints or injuries of any kind that occur in connection with attending yoga classes.


The full payment for yoga classes / subscriptions is made before the start of the class. Unless otherwise agreed or stated, payment is made on the first day of the course in cash, via Twint or by deposit.

4.4. Trial subscription

A trial subscription can only be bought by newbies who have never attended a yoga class at Open Yoga Space.

4.5 yoga classes

  • The online yoga courses are offered continuously. During the vacation breaks, which are announced in the course schedule, no courses take place.

  • The quarterly subscription, trial or individual lessons can be paid for in cash on site or booked online and purchased with a credit card or PayPal.

  • The registration and the duration of the courses are binding. The subscriptions can be canceled at the end of the month.

  • The yoga classes are personal and non-transferable.

  • Reservations for presence yoga classes  can be done online no later than two hours before the start of the lesson  be canceled again.

  • Reservations for online yoga classes  can be online again no later than 30 minutes before the start of the lesson
    be canceled.

  • In the event of late cancellation or no-show, the lesson will be deducted from the current course without notification.

  • In the event of illness, accident or pregnancy, the duration of the absence can be carried over to the next quarter, up to a maximum of four weeks, on presentation of a medical certificate. Other failures cannot be made up for.

  • Missed yoga lessons can be made up for or made up for within the same subscription period.



5.1 Yoga classes

The yoga subscriptions expire after their validity date (3-subscription 2 months, 10-subscription 4 months, 10-subscription 4 months, 40-subscription 8 months, unlimited subscription 8 months), are personal and non-transferable. The yoga subscriptions are valid from the date of purchase.

Course fees paid for subscriptions will not be refunded. Monthly subscriptions can be due to vacation or absences for professional reasons,  which consistently last longer than two (2) weeks, can be extended by the respective advertised duration, if this absence is communicated in writing in advance. Subsequent extensions are not possible. In the event of illness, accident or pregnancy, if no services were used at the certified time, the duration of all subscriptions can be adjusted accordingly on presentation of a doctor's certificate.

Changes in the timetable or in the teaching staff can be made at any time. There is no right to a refund.

5.2 workshops

If the participant is unable to participate in workshops, he / she always has the opportunity to find a substitute. This must be done in writing by email, stating the surname / first name and email address of the substitute person.

The waiver or reimbursement of course fees is regulated as follows:

Deregistration time                         Cancellation fee

up to 2 months before the start of the event:     25% of the course fee

up to 14 days before the start of the event:       50% of the course fee

less than 14 days before the start of the event:  100% of the course fee

Lessons that have not been attended cannot be rescheduled and are non-refundable. In the event of absence (illness, workload, other reasons) or if the workshop or training is discontinued, there is no entitlement to a reduction or repayment.

5.3 Private lessons - business yoga

Cancellations for private lessons and business yoga will only be accepted if the relevant information is available by phone, email or SMS at least 24 hours before the start of the course.


The course management reserves the right to cancel yoga classes - even at short notice - in the event of illness or unforeseeable circumstances, or to be represented by a suitably qualified person. Participants will be informed of a failure as soon as possible by email or SMS, with the exception of unforeseeable failures. If the course is canceled, the subscriptions can be extended accordingly.


In order to be able to conduct our courses under optimal conditions, we set a minimum and a maximum number of participants depending on the event / course. If the number of participants is insufficient, the course will usually not be held and the course costs will be reimbursed.




Before participating in Open Yoga Space yoga lessons, each participant must fill out a registration form with which the participant declares that there are no health concerns to participation in Open Yoga Space yoga lessons. For all courses, yoga lessons, individual lessons, business yoga and workshops, personal responsibility and normal mental and physical resilience and fitness are required. In the case of acute physical or psychological problems, a doctor should first clarify whether yoga classes are useful at this point in time. Yoga courses can have a beneficial effect on the physical, mental and psychological well-being. However, they do not constitute medical or psychotherapeutic treatments.


Existing psychological or physical health restrictions as well as an existing pregnancy must be reported to the course management at the latest at the beginning of the course / workshop / event. Should a health impairment or pregnancy occur in the course of the course / event / workshop, the course management must be informed immediately.

Each participant takes part in these courses independently, so that it is at the discretion of the respective participant to seek medical advice before participating in the courses / events / workshops. If a course participant has any doubts about their health or mental fitness to participate, it is recommended that they seek appropriate expert advice before registering.




The organizer Open Yoga Space, as well as the teaching staff, assume liability for the proper implementation of the courses / events / workshops within the framework of the statutory warranty provisions. Any further liability, in particular under the heading of compensation, is expressly excluded. The organizers therefore assume no liability whatsoever, in particular no liability whatsoever in the event of the concealment of any physical or mental ailments that make participation in the yoga events / workshops inadvisable.

The course management reserves the right to refuse participants if the course management is of the opinion that the health or psychological requirements for participation in the course are not met. This rejection can also be made at short notice or during courses that are still running. In the event that the participant is rejected, the participant will be reimbursed the course fee (pro rata).


Participants use the course facilities and offers at their own risk. No liability is accepted for valuables brought by participants.


For all yoga courses, trainings, events and holidays / retreats organized by Open Yoga Space, we exclude any liability for damage incurred. You are therefore responsible for adequate insurance coverage yourself. Open Yoga Space cannot be held liable for theft or loss of items.



The registered office of Moisés González Sánchez is agreed as the place of performance for all obligations. The place of performance is therefore Muri AG.


Swiss law applies; a Zurich arbitration board will be consulted in the first instance for any disputes. Further discrepancies which cannot be resolved with the arbitration board, the exclusive jurisdiction of the respective court in Zurich is subsequently agreed within the scope of their respective value jurisdiction.


If individual partial provisions of these general terms and conditions as well as any individual contracts to be concluded are or become void, ineffective or contestable, the remaining (partial) provisions remain unaffected and must then be interpreted or supplemented in such a way that the intended economic purpose is achieved as precisely as possible in legal terms will.


Oral side agreements are not made. Changes and additions to these terms and conditions and all membership contracts must be made in writing.



The course management undertakes to treat personal data and information confidentially and not to pass them on to third parties. An exception to this is the transfer of data to employees and business partners for organizational reasons. The participant also undertakes to treat information about other course participants confidentially.

See privacy policy



Open Yoga Space uses photos from events on your own website or on Facebook on which participants can be recognized. If this happened against the will of a person, he / she can instruct Open Yoga Space to remove his / her person from the picture. Further and own claims cannot be asserted.



Open Yoga Space All pages enjoy copyright protection. Imitations of any kind represent a violation of copyright law and are prosecuted and oblige you to pay damages.


Open Yoga Space November 2021

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